Jim Morrison was right – PEOPLE ARE STRANGE

Have you ever wondered why you don’t fit? Why is it so hard to socialize? Why no matter what you do/think/say it is all perceived as differently than common sense would rule? Well, I finally have got the perfect answer to that and it has been in front of me written on the wall (or rather in the title of one of my favorite songs) all along: That’s because PEOPLE ARE STRANGE.


What happens is a general lack of understanding for all those do not blend in. The figure who does not smile, nod often and repeat the shallow, meaningless and official politically correct speech is soon cornered and likely to become an outsider.


Oddly, most of the idolized figures are themselves outsiders: Jesus Christ, Jacob, Moses, Mohammed and even Adam. Pop culture is full of them and rock has been made almost exclusively from them. Johnny Cash, Madonna, Lady Gaga, Ozzy Osbourne and my obvious reference, Jim Morrison. And why do they stand up above others? Because they did not give a fig trying to blen in, embracing their non conventional personas and refusing to sacrifice their true selves to the benefit of those who knows better.


So, if you are strange, fear not, so are people.

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